We aim to get all interviews live within 14 days, sometimes even sooner, but we cannot get the interview live without the media consent and importantly headshot as we need the photo for the thumbnail for the homepage, post page and video placeholder.
Faculti is an excellent platform to articulate ideas on important issues. As a former Provost and Dean of Faculties at Columbia University, I was able to answer a set of questions on the challenges to our universities in the future and the policy changes I would like to see. Very professionally run.
Jonathan R. Cole, John Mitchell Mason Professor of the University at Columbia University
“I teach history, and assign my students chapters from McCormick’s Origins of the European Economy. I found the Faculti McCormick insight – and we watched it in class, alongside setting it as part of course materials.”
Laura Wangerin, Professor, Seton Hall University
The idea is simple, its visual, its interesting, our module leader linked to twenty videos to support our studies. I watched 300. I am now on a Bar Course en route to becoming a Barrister in England. It literally broadened my understanding, i referenced these authors in my thesis, i was awarded a first class honours degree!
George, First Class Honours LLB, University College London