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Frequently Asked Questions
How to Login:
On navigate to the top right button Login | Signup and select Login. Choose to login via institution or your own personal account
Lost Password:
As with many online services, you must have an active email address in order to create a Faculti account. Faculti also requires that you have access to this email address to reset your account password. This security procedure allows us to protect your account against unauthorized access. If you’ve lost access to the email address on your account, we cannot help you regain account access. However, there are some other methods you can try to regain access. If you’ve lost access to the email address associated with your Faculti account but still remember your password, try to sign in to your Faculti account and then immediately change your email address. If you’ve lost access to your email address, we recommend that you try contacting your email service provider (ESP) to regain access to your email account.
When will my interview be live?
We aim to get all interviews live within 14 days, sometimes even sooner, but we cannot get the interview live without the media consent and importantly headshot as we need the photo for the thumbnail for the homepage, post page and video placeholder. We do apologise for any delays here, please bear with us.
Setting up IDP or IP access for an institution:
In order to integrate your organization IDP, we will need your
- IDP entity id We will use this id to configure the SSO access in Faculti.
- Username attribute you will be sending eg. eduPersonTargetedID
- IP addresses – should you request IP access also
Faculti Entity ID: