
Not in My Backyard

Rae Ely was a pivotal figure in the early 1970s, leading efforts to preserve Green Springs, Virginia, from proposed developments like a state prison and a strip mine.


The False Choice Between Digital Regulation and Innovation

Are we sacrificing innovation for digital regulation, or is there a more nuanced relationship between the two? Anu Bradorrd provides a balanced perspective that challenges the conventional wisdom and emphasizes a complex interplay between regulation, technological progress, and foundational economic structures.


Understanding Global Legal Pluralism

How can understanding global legal pluralism enhance our approach to managing the complex web of multiple, overlapping legal systems and regulatory bodies in today’s interconnected world?


A statistical approach to law school citation rankings

Do citation rankings truly reflect the scholarly impact of law schools, or are they a statistical mirage with little informational value on faculty quality? Joshua Fischman discusses the statistical underpinnings and substantial uncertainties inherent in law school citation rankings through a novel approach modeling citations as lognormally distributed, questioning the efficacy of common ranking methods.


The Economic Impact of Depression Treatment in India

Can understanding the economic impact of depression treatment help alleviate the burden of this pervasive illness in India? This study cross-randomizes pharmacotherapy and livelihoods assistance among 1000 adults in Karnataka, showing benefits in reducing depression severity with combined interventions, although not significantly improving earnings or human capital investment.


Do Employees Cheer for Private Equity?

How do changes in company ownership, particularly through private equity buyouts, affect employees’ perceptions of job quality beyond salary, including factors like work-life balance, culture, and management?


High school change

How can the career-long scholarship of Karen Seashore Louis, alongside other key studies on educational change, illuminate the possibilities and challenges of transformational reform in high schools, particularly in light of recent global disruptions? Andrew Hargreaves discusses.


Who earns the iron rice bowl?

Why are certain college-educated workers in China more likely to secure state sector employment? This study reveals that graduates from less marketable and specific fields have better odds, especially if they have familial ties within the sector, showcasing how educational and family backgrounds influence career paths in the context of China’s market reforms.


Seasonal variations in auditory processing in the inferior colliculus of Eptesicus fuscus

How do seasonal changes in hormonal status shape the auditory processing of bats, particularly influencing male and female responses to vocalizations throughout the year?


Moving Beyond Binary Measures of Gender in Political Ambition

How do gendered personalities, beyond biological sex, shape political ambition, and what does this reveal about the persistent sex gap in political ambition?


Can’t We All Just Get Along? How Women MPs Can Ameliorate Affective Polarization in Western Publics

Can increasing the number of women in parliament help reduce partisan hostility, and how does their representation influence warmer attitudes toward opposing parties across Western democracies?


Deindustrialization and Industry Polarization

Michael Sposi suggests deindustrialization and increasing industry polarization are driven by sector-biased productivity growth and sectoral trade integration.


Displacing the displaced

How did the Covid-19 crisis expose systemic barriers for Syrian refugees in Türkiye, particularly in accessing healthcare and social services, and how have legal policies and asylum regulations, such as registration requirements, exacerbated their vulnerability and restricted access to essential state services during the pandemic?


What Moves Public Support for Aid to Ukraine? Issue Attention, Partisanship, and Normative Appeals

Since 2022, the U.S. has prioritized aid to Ukraine, but this policy is increasingly divisive. How strong is public support for this aid, and what factors shape it? Timothy Frye discusses results of a survey experiment varying partisan cues and appeals for aid.


The One Health Concept: An Overview

Over the past decade, the spread of infectious diseases has intensified due to factors like globalization, habitat destruction, and climate change. The One Health concept, which integrates human, animal, and environmental health, emphasizes the interconnectedness of these domains in tackling health challenges such as zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and environmental pollution.


EU non-bank finance returns to growth

Non-bank financial intermediation is increasingly crucial for EU credit and financial markets, with 2023 marking renewed growth, but it also presents stability risks, especially through leverage, liquidity mismatches, and interconnectedness; Richard Portes reviews these structural risks, explores developments in private finance and crypto, and emphasizes the need for a holistic view in EU regulatory discussions on non-bank finance.


Labor Market Impact of Export in a Commodity-Dependent Nation

Export expansion in Indonesia, spurred by China’s WTO accession, improved formal employment opportunities by 2014, especially for lower- and middle-income individuals, but its impact on earnings growth was limited and mainly driven by manufacturing exports rather than commodities.


The Quarter-Penny Tick

How can the SEC’s penny-based price variation rule help protect institutional traders from fast traders exploiting quote-matching strategies in the National Market System?


Enacting Decentralized Authority: The Practices and Limits of Moving Beyond Hierarchy

How can organizations successfully navigate the challenges of decentralization and avoid reverting to traditional hierarchies?


Labour Market Screening and the Design of Social Insurance

How do firms’ screening incentives impact the design of social insurance programs, and could an optimal combination of disability insurance and firm subsidies reduce labor market distortions while increasing welfare?


On the EPA’s Radar: The Role of Financial Reports in Environmental Regulatory Oversight

How does the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) use corporate financial reports to enhance its regulatory activities, particularly in high-pollution industries and during enforcement investigations and rulemaking processes?


Reframing International Law: The China Strategy?

What would it take for China to reframe international law as the West knows it?


Evaluating Contradictory Experimental and Nonexperimental Estimates of Neighborhood Effects on Economic Outcomes for Adults

David James Harding discusses a within-study comparison of the Moving to Opportunity (MTO) experiment and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to challenge nonexperimental findings on neighborhood effects for adults, revealing that similarities in estimates from both sources suggest selection bias may drive observed neighborhood effects on adult economic outcomes.


Macroeconomic modelling of CBDC: a critical review

Ulrich Bindseil and Richard Senner review recent macroeconomic approaches to retail central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), highlighting a disconnect between theoretical models and the practical, conservative issuance plans of central banks


Vocational Anticipatory Socialization

Guided by social cognitive career theory, this study surveyed 873 college students to uncover who influences career messages the most, finding mothers as the top encouraging source, followed by teachers, friends, and fathers.


Social mobility and economic development

Guido Neidhöfer examines how social mobility ties into economic development across Latin America. By mapping intergenerational mobility in education across 52 regions and tracking its progress over time, the research sheds light on the evolving landscape of social mobility.


Making or breaking the cycle of corruption

Does the implementation of transitional justice (TJ) mechanisms such as trials, truth commissions, and institutional reforms reduce corruption by enhancing accountability, building trust, and creating a culture of deterrence?


School Performance, Score Inflation, and Neighborhood Development

Score inflation in English primary school exams triggered residential sorting, gentrification, and increased school competition, with lasting impacts on house prices, deprivation, and local economic activities.





Changing Climate in Brazil: Key Vulnerabilities and Opportunities

How vulnerable is the Brazilian economy to climate change, and what are its opportunities for green growth? In this interview, Christina Elisabeth Kolerus explores Brazil’s climate risks, particularly in agriculture and hydropower, noting that land-use patterns have heightened these vulnerabilities.


Milton and the Republican Politics of Paradise Lost

How can Paradise Lost be seen as a statement on republican ideals? Frank Lovett argues that rather than contradicting his political views, Paradise Lost aligns with Milton’s earlier writings by depicting monarchy and artificial hierarchies as evil, as they violate the natural right to freedom and equality.


Where is the Law?

What role do history and sociology play in understanding the law? Charles L. Barzun challenges viewers to consider whether these disciplines can truly be separated from the study of law and, if so, how.


The Mughal Royal Court Progress and the Conquest Landscape

How did the Mughal rulers’ initial disdain for the landscapes of South Asia transform into a deep appreciation, and what role did their peripatetic royal court play in fostering this intimate connection with the lands they governed?


Changing mindsets to realize the UN-SDGs

What is socially conscious leadership?


The Effect of Primary Dealer Constraints on Intermediation in the Treasury Market

Falk Bräuning and Hillary Stein discuss the extent to which the Treasury securities market can be affected by regulatory constraints on primary dealers, a select group of market-making financial firms that are typically affiliated with large banking organizations. 

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