
The moral career of the genocide perpetrator

Does Dehumanization Cause Violence or Follow It?


How rich are the rich?

How effective are “trickle-down” economic theories in addressing wealth inequality?


Contested Liberalization: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Conflict in France

Why has France been uniquely resistant to economic liberalization, and how can understanding its postwar legacies help reformers navigate the challenges of modern policy changes?


American Visions: The United States, 1800-1860

How did the diverse voices of 19th-century America shape the nation’s highest ideals of equality and justice?


End Near?

How do religious tribunals operate under the Federal Arbitration Act?


Corruption and supply-side economics

How do corruption levels shape a government’s choice of tax rates?


The Dodd-Frank Act and Hedge Fund Operational Risk

How did the 2011 post-Dodd-Frank changes to Form ADV impact hedge fund disclosures, operational risk prediction, and investor decision-making?


Dynamic Exports and Labor Markets for Inclusive Growth in Cambodia

How has Cambodia’s economic growth through trade liberalization impacted local labor markets and workers?


Why One Health Matters: Tackling Global Health Threats Together

The One Health approach is essential for managing global health risks by recognizing the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. In a rapidly changing world, factors like climate change, deforestation, and globalization have made humans more likely to encounter wildlife, increasing the chances of zoonotic disease transmission.


Understanding the One Health Approach: Connecting Human, Animal, and Environmental Health

The One Health approach is a comprehensive, integrated strategy that recognizes the intricate links between human, animal, and environmental health. This concept acknowledges that the well-being of people, domestic and wild animals, and ecosystems are interdependent, necessitating a unified effort to tackle global health challenges.


Power Over Presence

How does women’s power in peace negotiations impact gender provisions in agreements?


On the Political Biology of Eating and Performing (with) Food

How does our interaction with food delve beyond nourishment and intersect with political and biological identity? This essay explores the politics of biology in food performances, revealing intricate biopolitical entanglements through theories of ‘bare life’, ‘enteric imagination’, and ‘becoming-minor’.


Do we have the tools for achieving distributive tax justice?

Which tax policies could advance distributive tax justice?


Robust characterization of photonic integrated circuits

How can the dynamic performance of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) be robustly characterized to enable advanced applications?


Feature Misspecification in Sequential Learning Problems

How can decision-makers effectively learn from sequential sampling when statistical models are misspecified?


The Price of Housing in the United States, 1890-2006

How do newly constructed housing price indices for 1890-2006 reveal trends in U.S. housing markets and explain uneven price growth over time?


Civil Liberties in the Early Constitution: The Crossroads and Organiser Cases

How did the first two Supreme Court cases shape free speech in India’s early constitutional history?


The fiscal arithmetic of a slowdown in trend growth

How does a slowdown in trend growth affect fiscal policy sustainability and household welfare?


October 2024 PCE and Inflation

PCE increased by 2.3% year-over-year in October, with data indicating robust consumer spending during the month. This suggests the U.S. economy continued its strong growth momentum, although efforts to reduce inflation seemed to have hit a plateau.


xtevent: Estimation and Visualization in the Linear Panel Event-Study Design

How can the Stata package xtevent be used to create event-study plots and estimate policy effects?


The Allegory of the Favela: The Multifaceted Effects of Socioeconomic Mobility

What are the consequences of upward socioeconomic mobility for disenfranchised individuals?


Antitrust High-Tech Exceptionalism

How Did Courts Enable Big Tech’s Dominance? Reassessing Antitrust Law in the Digital Age


Time-varying Persistence of House Price Growth

How does time-varying persistence in U.S. house price growth vary across regions?


Couples’ Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing (CVCT) Followed by Treatment as Prevention (TasP) for Discordant Couples

What is CVCT, and how does it empower couples to understand their HIV status together?


Relationship Lending: That Ship Has Not Sailed for Community Banks

How do small relationship-based C&I loans enhance the value of community banks compared to larger C&I and transactional CRE loans across different economic conditions?


Giving Customers Decision Rights

What are the effects of offering pay-what-you-want (PWYW) pricing on consumer behavior and theater revenues?


Toni Morrison: Imagining Freedom

How does Toni Morrison reimagine freedom beyond racial and societal norms, challenging us to rethink liberty through her powerful use of language and storytelling?


Financial Crises and the Global Supply Network

How do financial crises affect the organization and growth of multinational enterprises, particularly their affiliate networks and performance?


Estimated Revenue of the Nonprofit Homeless Shelter Industry in the United States

How much does it really cost to provide shelter to the homeless?


Mapping “Varieties of Workplace Bullying”

How does the “varieties of workplace bullying” conceptualization expand our understanding of workplace bullying as a multi-faceted phenomenon?


Macro uncertainty, unemployment risk, and consumption dynamics

How does macro uncertainty impact consumption patterns among different income groups, and what does this mean for labor market dynamics and policy responses?


Freedom’s Dominion

How has the American understanding of “freedom” served as a facade for racial oppression and resistance to federal authority throughout history? Explore the intricate dynamics in Jefferson Cowie’s “Freedom’s Dominion,” a compelling examination of white resistance shaping national policy and personal liberties.


Exploring Impacts and Implications of US-China Relations on US Public Opinion toward Chinese and Asian Americans

How does homeland origin impact the welfare of emigrants (and their US-born descendants) in the US diaspora?


Geopolitical Oil Price Risk and Economic Fluctuations

What are the general equilibrium effects of time-varying geopolitical risk in oil markets?


FinTech Credit and Entrepreneurial Growth

Can access to FinTech credit truly catalyze entrepreneurial growth and customer satisfaction in the digital economy, as evidenced by Alibaba’s two million vendors experiencing increased sales and better customer ratings?

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