Control of a Wheelchair-Mounted Robotic Arm System
Redwan Alqasemi
University of South Florida
Spatiotemporal evaporating droplet dynamics on fomites enhances long term bacterial pathogenesis
Saptarshi Basu
Indian Institute of Science
A Trusted and Privacy-Preserving Internet of Mobile Energy
Queensland University of Technology
Water Security: Why We Need Global Solutions
Cardiff University
Decision-Making Principles for Better Software Design Decisions
Swinburne University of Technology
From 5G to 6G
Mohamed-Slim Alouini
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Virtual Staining of Tissue Using AI
Aydogan Ozcan
University of California Los Angeles
Towards Sustainable Construction
Xiancun Hu
University of Canberra
Robust characterization of photonic integrated circuits
Arthur Lowery
Monash University
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Civil Engineering
Towards Sustainable Construction
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Mechanical Engineering
A unified analytical parametric method for kinematic analysis of planar mechanisms
Kazem Abhary
University of South Australia
Spatiotemporal evaporating droplet dynamics on fomites enhances long term bacterial pathogenesis
Saptarshi Basu
Indian Institute of Science
The global climate value of offshore wind energy
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Collaborating robots sample the primary production in the ocean
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Electronic Engineering
From 5G to 6G
Mohamed-Slim Alouini
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Virtual Staining of Tissue Using AI
Aydogan Ozcan
University of California Los Angeles
Robust characterization of photonic integrated circuits
Arthur Lowery
Monash University
Control of a Wheelchair-Mounted Robotic Arm System
Redwan Alqasemi
University of South Florida
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Université catholique de Louvain
A Trusted and Privacy-Preserving Internet of Mobile Energy
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Griffith University
Decision-Making Principles for Better Software Design Decisions
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University of Waterloo
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