In A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education Professor Fung asks if it is possible to bring university research and student education into a more connected, more symbiotic relationship and if so, can programmes of study be developed that enable faculty, students and ‘real world’ communities to connect in new ways. A connected, research-based education is at the core of the university’s 20-year institutional strategy. The UCL Connected Curriculum is a way of framing and developing the future of education. There is a tradition in some disciplines of students participating in research and making strong connections between disciplines and with each other. The UCL Connected Curriculum is a chance to ensure all students have these opportunities. It’s also a chance to inspire education enhancement in all programmes. Dilly Fung is Pro-Director for Education Designate, London School of Economics and was Director of the UCL Centre for Advancing Learning and Teaching and a Principal Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy.
Image courtesy of interviewee. July 27, 2018