Conditional cash transfers and women’s reproductive choices Summary

Collective bargaining in the age of precarious employment Summary

Nurturing Creativity in the Visual Arts Classroom Summary

How Reducing Employment Protection Affects Job Creation and Job Destruction Summary

Haemoglobin Concentration and Sickle Cell Anemia Summary

Artificial Intelligence, command decisions Summary

Soldiers’ Dilemma Summary

The identification of market power in the Big Data Sector Summary

Cranberry supplementation improves physiological markers of performance in trained runners Summary

Unending Capitalism Summary

Trauma in the UK asylum process Summary

Greening the financial sector Summary

Innovation and Strategic Network Formation Summary

State-centric proportionality analysis in Chinese administrative litigation

Taxing Police Brutality Bonds

The Clerkships Whisper Network: What it is, why it’s broken, and how to fix it

The Impact of Open Data on Public Procurement

The Rohingya refugee crisis: analyzing the international law implications of its environmental impacts on Bangladesh

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Anniversary Commemoration and International Human Rights Law

Unsexing citation: Closing the gender gap in global public law

Missing the Forest for the Trees: Modular Search and Systemic Inertia

Modeling corporate bond returns

Online homophobia from the perspectives of LGBTQ+ social media users

Presidential Address: Sustainable Finance and ESG Issues

Racial bias as a multi-stage, multi-actor problem: Analysis of pretrial detention

Rents and Intangible Capital: A Q+ Framework

Rethinking the Mental Capacity Act 2005: Towards the Next Generation of Law

Rethinking the role of debt in law students’ career choices

Rights, Common Good, and the Separation of Powers

Horizontal Dialogue Between UN Treaty Bodies and Regional Human Rights Courts

Information, migration, and the value of clean air

Inspiring, Yet Tiring: How Leader Emotional Complexity Shapes Follower Creativity

Killing Precedent: The Slaughter-House Constitution

Law And Orders

Localised medical moralities: organ trafficking and Israeli medical professionals

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What is Faculti?

Faculti is a research, policy and scholarship streaming platform, set up by a former school teacher, that covers 8000 academics annually across 20 subjects, across the world. The aim is to interview academics and policy makers discussing their research or analysis without any journalistic influence or bias. More here

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