The Allegory of the Favela: The Multifaceted Effects of Socioeconomic Mobility
Leandro S. Pongeluppe
University of Pennsylvania
Towards Stronger Causal Claims in Management Research
Joep Cornelissen
Erasmus University Rotterdam
When Women Ask, Does Curiosity Help?
Alexandra Mislin
American University
Affective Climate and Organization-Level Emotion Management
Neal Ashkanasy
University of Queensland
Peter Cappelli on the Future of the Office
Peter Cappelli
University of Pennsylvania
Sustainable Finance
Rodrigo Zeidan
New York University
Do Investors Value Workforce Gender Diversity?
David P. Daniels
National University of Singapore
Design of Patient Visit Itineraries in Tandem Systems
Nan Liu
Boston College
Mutual and Exclusive: Dyadic Sources of Trust in Interorganizational Exchange
Bill McEvily
University of Toronto
Achieving Mutual Understanding Without Saying a Word
Xiao-Ping Chen
University of Washington
Frontline Professionals in the Wake of Social Media Scrutiny
Arvind Karunakaran
Stanford University
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Teaching Democracy and Capitalism
Robert Bruner
University of Virginia
What Climate-Related Information to Disclose?
Cynthia Clark
Bentley University
The Theory and Practice of Investor Relations: A Global Perspective
Rutgers University
Equilibrium Executive Compensation
Imperial College London
Sustainable Finance
Rodrigo Zeidan
New York University
Exchange Competition, Entry, and Welfare
City University of London
Financial Architecture and Financial Stability
Franklin Allen
Imperial College London
Corporate Strategy
The rise of the human capital industry
Peter Cappelli
University of Pennsylvania
Institutional Bridging for SME High-distance Internationalisation to China
Carole Couper
University of Birmingham
Netflix: rise, fall and recovery
Deanna Kathleen de Zilwa
Murdoch University
Dual strategy process in open strategizing
Ignacio Canales
University of Aberdeen
Developing successful assumed autonomy‐based initiatives
Andrew Cavanagh
Monash University
The secrets of supermarketing: A model balanced on a knife
Lisa Jack
University of Portsmouth
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
The imprint of labor markets on entrepreneurial performance
Seok-Woo Kwon
University of Calgary
Venture team membership dynamics and new venture innovation
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Bentley University
Business model innovation during Covid-19
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Griffith University
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation
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Brandeis University
Relations in Aesthetic Space: How Color Enables Market Positioning
Stoyan V. Sgourev
New Bulgarian University
Organizational responses to political sanctions
Hua Wei
University of Manchester
Painting a Clear Picture while Seeing the Big Picture
Andrew M. Carton
University of Pennsylvania
Changing mindsets to realize the UN-SDGs
Adil Khan
University of Queensland
Mathew Hayward
Monash University
Leading Change in Communities Experiencing Economic Transition
Andrew Beer
University of South Australia
Immigration as a Leadership Crucible among Global Leaders
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University of Southern California
Do Investors Value Workforce Gender Diversity?
David P. Daniels
National University of Singapore
Brokered Careers: The Role of Search Firms in Managerial Career Mobility
Matthew Bidwell
University of Pennsylvania
Leadership, Gender and Ethics: Embodied Reason in Challenging Masculinities
David Knights
Lancaster University
Small Actions, Big Difference
CB Bhattacharya
University of Pittsburgh
Teaching Democracy and Capitalism
Robert Bruner
University of Virginia
Do Employees Cheer for Private Equity?
Oleg Gredil
Tulane University
Organisational Behaviour
Mutual and Exclusive: Dyadic Sources of Trust in Interorganizational Exchange
Bill McEvily
University of Toronto
Frontline Professionals in the Wake of Social Media Scrutiny
Arvind Karunakaran
Stanford University
Mapping “Varieties of Workplace Bullying”
Premilla D’Cruz
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Strategic Change in a Pluralistic Context
Lisa Day
University of Liverpool
The contingent nature of the political skill-employee performance relationship
Rachel Frieder
University of North Florida