
British Muslims of small town East Sussex

West African sculpture, masquerade and textile history

Marriage, matriliniy, migration, ambivalence

Cosmopolitan Representations:

Live or dead? Televised theatre and its audiences in Bali

Enacting the Rule of Islam

The Backward Glance: Japanese spatial imaginary of the 17th century

Chinese export art: mediation and hybridity

Regional Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia

The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising

Agriculture, food security, foodways and health

Technology Adoption in Rent-seeking Economies: The Case of Vietnam

Inflation of Food prices

Dealing with the State: The Heroin Trade in Kenya

Remaking Kurosawa: translations and permutations in global cinema

Chinese Law: The Protection of Private Property in China

Gender, migration and the End of Slavery

Safe spaces for dykes in danger?

The End of Certainty

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