
The Law of War and Peace: a gender analysis

Does the Share of Female Managers Affect the Firm’s Geographic Spread?

Maternity: Mothers and Children in the Arts of Africa

The Writing of Women into Canadian Educational History in English Canada and Francophone Quebec

Surrey’s Silence: Subpart F and the Swiss Subsidiary Tax that Never Was

Women Professors across STEMM and Non-STEMM Disciplines

When Women Ask, Does Curiosity Help?

Stories of Gender Inclusion, Power-Sharing and the Good Friday Agreement

A trade of one’s own

What Biological Stories are Americans Telling About the Egg and the Sperm?

Dancing Odissi: Paratopic Performances of Gender and State

Gender, war, and the State

Before the Badge

Gender Diversity and Diversity of Ideas

Conforming to Gender Stereotypes and Entrepreneurs’ Financing Outcomes

Digital feminism: In the aftermath of #MeToo, what’s next for workplace equality for women?

Women in politics

What Do We Know about Civil Wars?

Women of the Windrush

The Unintended Consequences of #MeToo

Public Attention to Gender Equality and Board Gender Diversity

The Color of Homeschooling

The Reversal of the Gender Education Gap with Economic Development

Mums with cameras: Technological change, entrepreneurship and motherhood

Unveiling Modest Femininities: Sexuality, Gender (In)equality and Gender Justice

Domestic workers and sexual harassment in India

Engendering Culture: Accumulating capital in the gendered household

Performance-related Pay and the UK Gender Pay Gap

Failing victims, fuelling hate

Pension information and women’s awareness

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