New Public Management and the Reform of Education

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New Public Management and the Reform of Education addresses complex and dynamic changes to public services by focusing on new public management as a major shaper and influencer of educational reforms within, between and across European nation states and policy actors. David Hall is Head of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Exeter and an education researcher with a particular interest in large scale educational reform and its effects upon teachers and the wider workforce in educational institutions. This interest is reflected in research he has undertaken with educational leaders in schools grappling with the contradictory demands of the New Public Management of public services, urban teachers in England facing the dual effects of spiralling socio-economic inequality and high stakes assessment and university lecturers in a transitional economy experiencing major upheavals in the wake of the collapse of the former Soviet Union.

  1. New Public Management and the Reform of Education David Hall, University of Exeter

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Image courtesy of interviewee. March 27, 2020

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