
The Copy Generic

Islamic State and Game of Thrones

How General Election 2019 has proved controversial for the BBC

Spies, Spin and the Fourth Estate: British Intelligence and the Media

Big Tech and news: a critical approach to digital platforms, journalism, and competition law

Weber’s sociology of the press and journalism

Problematic Interactive Media Use Among Children and Adolescents

Media Representations of Separated Child Migrants

The Sounding of the Notting Hill Carnival

Sonic Bodies: Reggae Sound Systems, Performance Techniques and Ways of Knowing

Vampires, Race, and Transnational Hollywoods

Spaces of Terror and Risk

The Ground Zero Mosque that Wasn’t One: Media and Architecture in America

Promotional Cultures: The Rise and Spread of Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing and Branding

Digital, Political, Radical

Media Activism: Media Change?

Celebrity advocacy and public engagement: the divergent uses of celebrity

Media and the Experience of Social Change: The Arab World


Mass Media and the Generation of Conflict

Television’s Moment: Sitcom Audiences and the Sixties Cultural Revolution

The future of Journalism

Contextualising the Media and the Uprisings: A return to History

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