
The assessment of disputes about legal costs

Establishing the critical elements that determine authentic assessment

Time to tame the leviathan? Perspectives and possibilities for a new era in assessment

Assessment, Standards-Referencing and Standard Setting

Validating test score meaning and defending test score use

Advanced Methods in Automatic Item Generation

Responding to Cheating With a Developmental Approach

Assessing the Assessment

A Framework Approach to Teacher Hiring

Using Assessment to Promote Learning

The Plight of Writing in Schools

Assessment in Citizenship

Developing an observational rubric of writing

Assessment: Criteria or norm referencing

Reinforcing learning through assessment

Eric Mazur on Peer Instruction

Paul Black on Asessment for Learning

Can teachers’ summative assessments produce dependable results

Direct Instruction in classrooms – What it is and how to use it

What is good assessment?

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