
Greening the financial sector Summary

Busting the Bankers Club

The Legacy of Shareholder Value Capitalism

The Representation of Economics in Cinema

The Impact of Salience on Investor Behavior

Company Voluntary Arrangements: Evaluating Success and Failure

Bitcoin and the Rise of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

The unintended consequences of MifID II regulations

Exploring the effects of the ‘bonus cap’ rule

The herding behavior of pension funds

Longevity: A New Asset Class

Issues in Pension Funding

Distortions in analyst forecasts in the presence of short-term investors

How can climate investing be relevant to the mainstream?

The Flash Crash: High‐Frequency Trading in an Electronic Market

Dealing with systemic risk when we measure it badly

On Fat tails, VaR and subadditivity

Forecasting oil price realized volatility using information channels from other asset classes

Forecasting European Economic Policy Uncertainty

Are Investors Willing to Sacrifice Cash for Morality?

It Sees (Notes Toward a Cultural History of Financial Vision)

From Marx to the Keynesian revolution: the key role of finance

On Corporate Capital Structure Adjustments

The equity home bias

The behaviour of sentiment-induced share returns: Measurement when fundamentals are observable

A Measure of Pure Home Bias

Speculating on Slums

Gentlemen do not talk about money

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